When exams are around the corner, many parents can get more anxious than their children.
I have come across cases when some parents resign from their jobs in order to prepare their children for PSLE.
Observe around and you can also notice colleagues taking leaves when their children are having examinations soon.
It is during this period of time when parents will pack their children’s schedule with hours after hours of revision time.
The poor kid will then have to spend many hours revising their work intensively and cramming as much information as possible into their memory.
However, do you know that research has shown in order to absorb information better, your child should study for around 30 min followed by a short break.
Your child can do some stretching exercises during the short break and look at the greenery outside the house.
Try not to let your child play computer games or mobile phone games during the break. These activities actually cause your child’s eyes and mind to become more tired.
I have read from some research articles on the negative impacts playing too much electronic games can have on the learning capacity of children.
In my previous articles, I have shared about coming up with a study schedule to prepare your child for exam.
It is good to include some relaxation slots in the schedule to help your child recharge. In fact, one of the best ways to let your child relax is to exercise.
It can be carried out early in the morning or in the evening.
Some researches have shown that exercise increases the capacity for learning due to the extra oxygen and glucose delivered in blood to the brain.
That is the reason why many children are alert after a run, jog or even a walk.
If your child is sleepy or could not take in information effectively, take your child out for a brief and low-intensity exercise to keep blood well-circulated in the body.
It is like keeping one’s mind alert on a task without any intake of caffeine. Try it out today!
On top of that, exercising releases proteins in the brain that improve your child’s memory and cognitive performance.
It is said that exercises can actually help to reduce stress levels and make one feel happier too. This is due to the endorphins that are released in the body when one is exercising.
With all these benefits stated, it is time to encourage your child to start some simple exercises like jogging or stretching and do it on a regular basis.
If you can do it TOGETHER and consistently with your kid (with or without examinations coming), it is even better.
Not only does exercising benefit your child’s health and learning capacity, it bonds your family together!
About the Author
Teacher Zen has over a decade of experience in teaching upper primary Math and Science in local schools. He has a post-graduate diploma in education from NIE and has a wealth of experience in marking PSLE Science and Math papers. When not teaching or working on OwlSmart, he enjoys watching soccer and supports Liverpool football team.