Main Diagram

It is no secret that the best way to do well in any exam is to practise, practise and practise!

OwlSmart allows you to do just that, enabling students to revise PSLE questions ranging from easy to difficult in a systematic concise manner. Combined with tracking analytics, students can see which topics they are weak in as they revise and take extra attention and time to perfect their understanding in those areas. Eventually, they will reach a strong level of competence across all subjects necessary to score well for their exams.

In short, OwlSmart builds up the foundation that every student needs to do well in PSLE and enables them to reach their full potential in the shortest time possible.

OwlSmart Features At A Glance

All Core Subjects in 1 place

All Core Subjects in 1 place

Comprehensive Validated Question
Database covering all core subjects:
and Chinese

More than 10,000 questions written by PSLE teachers and markers designed to strengthen your child's grasp of key concepts

No more Clutter

No more Clutter

Completely paperless and accessible 24/7 via the internet.

Works across all devices with web browsing capability

Personalised Learning, without the hassle of Marking

OwlSmart Analytics marks, tracks and measures your child's strengths and weaknesses as they attempt questions ranging from easy to hard, delivering detailed reports on how well she/he is doing as compared to peers.

Linked Guardian accounts allow parents and teachers to review completed sessions and zoom in on questions which your child is having difficulty with.

Rewards System motivates students to revise continuously, enabling students to redeem vouchers for their efforts!